Ian Hickson
2008-05-21 22:30:48 UTC
* I've added a sandbox="" attribute to <iframe>, which by default
disables a number of features and takes a space-separated list of
features to re-enable:
- by default, content in sandboxed browsing contexts, and any
browsing contexts nested in them, have a unique origin
(independent of the origin of their URI); this can be overriden
using the "allow-same-origin" keyword
- by default, all form controls in those browsing contexts are
disabled; this can be overriden using the "allow-forms"
- by default, script in those browsing contexts cannot run; this can
be overriden using the "allow-scripts" keyword
- content in those browsing contexts cannot navigate other
browsing contexts outside of the sandbox (seamless="" below
overrides this)
- content in those browsing contexts cannot create new browsing
contexts or open modal dialogs or alerts
- all plugins in those browsing contexts are disabled
* I've added a seamless="" boolean attribute to <iframe>, which, if
the content's active document's URI has the same origin as the
container, causes the iframe to size vertically to the bounding box
of the contents, and horizontally to the width of the container,
and which causes the initial containing block of the contents to be
treated as zero height. In addition, styles on the root element of
the content must inherit from the <iframe> instead of being the
initial values, and the style sheets that apply to the <iframe>
must also apply to the contents. In addition, any time the browsing
context navigates itself, the parent browsing context gets
navigated instead.
This is all HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL. I am looking for feedback on the general
approaches taken.
There are various things that this doesn't address yet; e.g. there's no
way to force (or even allow) a non-seamless iframe to open links in the
parent window.
and converting it to base64, and then stuffing it into an iframe something
like this:
<iframe seamless sandbox="allow-scripts allow-forms"
This isn't very readable, I'll grant you. I'm thinking of introducing a
new attribute. I haven't worked out what to call it yet, but definitely
not "src", "source", "src2", "content", "value", or "data" -- maybe
"html" or "doc", though neither of those are great. This attribute would
take a string which would then be interpreted as the source document
markup of an HTML document, much like the above; it would override src=""
if it was present, allowing src="" to be used for legacy UAs:
<iframe seamless sandbox="allow-scripts allow-forms" doc="
Welcome to my blog!
<a href='#' onclick='alert(document.cookie)'>Click here</a>
(There are things we can do to make this better, e.g. make the <!DOCTYPE
HMTL> and <title></title> bits implicit, maybe introducing type="" to say
whether it's HTML or XML instead of only supporting HTML, maybe saying
that if src="" and doc="" are both specified they must have identical
data, etc.)
Comments and suggestions on this are welcome. I haven't added it to the
spec yet. I do agree that without this or something equivalent that we
don't have a solution for sandboxing embedded blog comments yet.
no effect if the default shrink-wrapping-to-boundary-box behaviour is in
you make the parser not generate the implied elements and switch straight
to the "in table" mode? How would you make the CSS model work with this?
How would you define conformance for the document fragments?
the latter (and in fact, from the former to an isolated origin regardless
of the true origin of the document).
rendering issue.
the UAs will implement one but not the other seems dubious at best.
fewer words.
non-trivial escaping requirements.
The latter is handled by the doc="" proposal. The former may be impossible
without server-side filtering.
(or maybe want) here.
interleaved with comments (e.g. "edit" and "reply" links), which is
class of attacks. An attack needs to be only successful in one browser
to do harm. For example, a malicious advertising script which actually
steals passwords entered by users on the host page is dangerous enough
even if the attacker only succeeds in stealing passwords of just a
fraction of the users.
I can't really imagine a scenario in which sandbox restrictions could be
somehow considered optional. Wherever there is need for such
restrictions, it's unacceptable to run the script without them
In some cases the sandbox would be "defence in depth" -- for example, in
all cases where user-generated content is embedded today.
trivial compared to all other ideas for this.
content, which is a very dubious responsibility to put on many authors.
Also, it would make the XML guys have a fit. Then again, maybe that goes
in the "pro" column and not the "con" column...
it's an HTTP header. Is that right? Self-describing the security
restrictions on content works for same-site serving, but not really for
third-party content.
concepts to really make use of it, sadly.
The same way you would know what height and width to give to a
non-replaced element. Why should an embedded document not be able to
render as if the contents of the document were present inline in the
parent document? Backwards compatibility should probably trump better
behavior here, but why is it not possible to specify this through CSS?
I've heard of this problem multiple times. For example,
I've added height/width back.
* I've added a sandbox="" attribute to <iframe>, which by default
disables a number of features and takes a space-separated list of
features to re-enable:
- by default, content in sandboxed browsing contexts, and any
browsing contexts nested in them, have a unique origin
(independent of the origin of their URI); this can be overriden
using the "allow-same-origin" keyword
- by default, all form controls in those browsing contexts are
disabled; this can be overriden using the "allow-forms"
- by default, script in those browsing contexts cannot run; this can
be overriden using the "allow-scripts" keyword
- content in those browsing contexts cannot navigate other
browsing contexts outside of the sandbox (seamless="" below
overrides this)
- content in those browsing contexts cannot create new browsing
contexts or open modal dialogs or alerts
- all plugins in those browsing contexts are disabled
* I've added a seamless="" boolean attribute to <iframe>, which, if
the content's active document's URI has the same origin as the
container, causes the iframe to size vertically to the bounding box
of the contents, and horizontally to the width of the container,
and which causes the initial containing block of the contents to be
treated as zero height. In addition, styles on the root element of
the content must inherit from the <iframe> instead of being the
initial values, and the style sheets that apply to the <iframe>
must also apply to the contents. In addition, any time the browsing
context navigates itself, the parent browsing context gets
navigated instead.
This is all HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL. I am looking for feedback on the general
approaches taken.
There are various things that this doesn't address yet; e.g. there's no
way to force (or even allow) a non-seamless iframe to open links in the
parent window.
Let's imagine a blogging website that allows anybody to create a blog
which is available as http://www.example.com/blogs/username/. Many such
sites allow various user customization, so imagine this site lets the
blog owner to supply custom HTML to display on top of the blog page.
This is primarily used by blog authors to design stylish navigation. To
make such navigation menus more attractive, the authors wish to use
JavaScript and Flash, but unrestricted JavaScript would make it possible
for the blog owner to steal visitors' session cookies.
HTML to display on top of your blog: [TEXTAREA]
Welcome to my blog!</sandbox><a href="#"
onclick="alert(document.cookie)">Click here</a>
After submission, this code is fed to the HTML cleaner. At present, HTML
cleaners are usually complicated scripts which try to catch known quirks
of the user agents, and still they usually have security holes found one
after another. See for example
With HTML 5 parsing spec, there will be one single algorithm for parsing
HTML code with well-defined error recovery. So, the HTML cleaner at the
server side runs the HTML 5 parser on the user-supplied text, which
* Welcome to my blog!
* A
* Click here
The </sandbox> tag is ignored as an easy parse error because there is no
matching <sandbox> tag in the user-supplied text. After parsing, the
HTML cleaner iterates through the tree, renaming potentially unsafe
* Welcome to my blog!
* A
* Click here
At the final stage, the HTML cleaner re-serializes the DOM into the
Welcome to my blog!<a href="#"
safe-onclick="alert(document.cookie)">Click here</a>
When the site renders the blog page, it puts the "HTML for page top"
Welcome to my blog!<a href="#" safe-onclick="alert(document.cookie)">Click
Each blog entry is probably also contained in its own sandbox. This is
even more important on the so-called friends pages, where entries by
different authors are displayed on the same page.
When the page is rendered in a modern user agent which supports
sandboxing, the safe-onclick attribute is interpreted exactly the same
as onclick. When the user clicks the link, the event handler is
executed. Because the code is inside the sandbox, it operates on a fake
document object, so it doesn't retrieve the cookies (I think
document.cookie should just return an empty string). The visitor's
session cookies are safe.
When the page is rendered in an older user agent which doesn't support
sandboxing, the safe-onclick attribute is ignored because it is unknown.
When the user clicks the link, no event handler is executed, and the
cookies are safe again.
You can do this now (though it's far uglier) by taking the author's markupwhich is available as http://www.example.com/blogs/username/. Many such
sites allow various user customization, so imagine this site lets the
blog owner to supply custom HTML to display on top of the blog page.
This is primarily used by blog authors to design stylish navigation. To
make such navigation menus more attractive, the authors wish to use
JavaScript and Flash, but unrestricted JavaScript would make it possible
for the blog owner to steal visitors' session cookies.
HTML to display on top of your blog: [TEXTAREA]
Welcome to my blog!</sandbox><a href="#"
onclick="alert(document.cookie)">Click here</a>
After submission, this code is fed to the HTML cleaner. At present, HTML
cleaners are usually complicated scripts which try to catch known quirks
of the user agents, and still they usually have security holes found one
after another. See for example
With HTML 5 parsing spec, there will be one single algorithm for parsing
HTML code with well-defined error recovery. So, the HTML cleaner at the
server side runs the HTML 5 parser on the user-supplied text, which
* Welcome to my blog!
* A
* Click here
The </sandbox> tag is ignored as an easy parse error because there is no
matching <sandbox> tag in the user-supplied text. After parsing, the
HTML cleaner iterates through the tree, renaming potentially unsafe
* Welcome to my blog!
* A
* Click here
At the final stage, the HTML cleaner re-serializes the DOM into the
Welcome to my blog!<a href="#"
safe-onclick="alert(document.cookie)">Click here</a>
When the site renders the blog page, it puts the "HTML for page top"
Welcome to my blog!<a href="#" safe-onclick="alert(document.cookie)">Click
Each blog entry is probably also contained in its own sandbox. This is
even more important on the so-called friends pages, where entries by
different authors are displayed on the same page.
When the page is rendered in a modern user agent which supports
sandboxing, the safe-onclick attribute is interpreted exactly the same
as onclick. When the user clicks the link, the event handler is
executed. Because the code is inside the sandbox, it operates on a fake
document object, so it doesn't retrieve the cookies (I think
document.cookie should just return an empty string). The visitor's
session cookies are safe.
When the page is rendered in an older user agent which doesn't support
sandboxing, the safe-onclick attribute is ignored because it is unknown.
When the user clicks the link, no event handler is executed, and the
cookies are safe again.
and converting it to base64, and then stuffing it into an iframe something
like this:
<iframe seamless sandbox="allow-scripts allow-forms"
This isn't very readable, I'll grant you. I'm thinking of introducing a
new attribute. I haven't worked out what to call it yet, but definitely
not "src", "source", "src2", "content", "value", or "data" -- maybe
"html" or "doc", though neither of those are great. This attribute would
take a string which would then be interpreted as the source document
markup of an HTML document, much like the above; it would override src=""
if it was present, allowing src="" to be used for legacy UAs:
<iframe seamless sandbox="allow-scripts allow-forms" doc="
Welcome to my blog!
<a href='#' onclick='alert(document.cookie)'>Click here</a>
(There are things we can do to make this better, e.g. make the <!DOCTYPE
HMTL> and <title></title> bits implicit, maybe introducing type="" to say
whether it's HTML or XML instead of only supporting HTML, maybe saying
that if src="" and doc="" are both specified they must have identical
data, etc.)
Comments and suggestions on this are welcome. I haven't added it to the
spec yet. I do agree that without this or something equivalent that we
don't have a solution for sandboxing embedded blog comments yet.
The idea is basically an element like <iframe> but that renders the
linked page, instead of inside a square area, in flow with the main
page. This idea is really rough still, but I hope to try to implement it
in a not too distant future to solidify it a bit. One thing very much up
in the air is what the element would be called. Suggestions welcome, but
I'm using the name <include> below.
I've basically added this to <iframe> using the seamless="" attribute.linked page, instead of inside a square area, in flow with the main
page. This idea is really rough still, but I hope to try to implement it
in a not too distant future to solidify it a bit. One thing very much up
in the air is what the element would be called. Suggestions welcome, but
I'm using the name <include> below.
Should the stylesheets of the outer or the inner document be used?
I went with "yes".When a fragment identifier is specified, should we render that element,
or its children?
I went with making that work the same as with normal <iframe>s (so likelyor its children?
no effect if the default shrink-wrapping-to-boundary-box behaviour is in
Should style be inherited from the parent of the <include>, or from the
DOM parent in the inner document?
I've made inheritance happen from <iframe> to root element.DOM parent in the inner document?
Should the inner DOM be rendered inside of, or in place of the <include>?
I've made this happen as with <iframe>.https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=80713
I've taken the notes there into account.There's a big difference to that and to what I'm proposing. With what's
in bug 80713 you're still limited to a box that basically doesn't take
part of the outer page at all. For example in the table example in my
original post the headers of the table would not resize to fit the
column sizes in the <include>ed table.
Woah. That's far more radical. I have no idea how to do that. How wouldin bug 80713 you're still limited to a box that basically doesn't take
part of the outer page at all. For example in the table example in my
original post the headers of the table would not resize to fit the
column sizes in the <include>ed table.
you make the parser not generate the implied elements and switch straight
to the "in table" mode? How would you make the CSS model work with this?
How would you define conformance for the document fragments?
Would documents included via <include> run in the security context of
the including page, as with the script technique, or would they run in
the context of the included document, as with iframes?
The sandbox="" attribute can be specified to change it from the former tothe including page, as with the script technique, or would they run in
the context of the included document, as with iframes?
the latter (and in fact, from the former to an isolated origin regardless
of the true origin of the document).
They would run in the context of the included page, just like an iframe.
The processing of <include> is exactly that of <iframe> the only
difference is in the rendering.
It may be worth bringing this up with the CSSWG if it really is just aThe processing of <include> is exactly that of <iframe> the only
difference is in the rendering.
rendering issue.
XBL has an attribute to cover inherited styles, so you're right.
Realistically, I can't see Microsoft ever implementing XBL (I hope I'm
wrong). So adding it to HTML might be the only way to achieve this
Inventing a new technology that does the same as another on the basis thatRealistically, I can't see Microsoft ever implementing XBL (I hope I'm
wrong). So adding it to HTML might be the only way to achieve this
the UAs will implement one but not the other seems dubious at best.
Kind of like an <iframe> but without an external source.
Would the doc="" proposal above be enough?I wonder if this issue could be solved on the layout/CSS level by
providing a way to make the height of an iframe depend on the actual
height of the root element of the document loaded in the iframe. That
is, would it be feasible to make the iframe contents have the layout/UI
feel of a part of the parent page while keeping the DOMs and script
security contexts separate?
That's pretty much what seamless="" does, yes.providing a way to make the height of an iframe depend on the actual
height of the root element of the document loaded in the iframe. That
is, would it be feasible to make the iframe contents have the layout/UI
feel of a part of the parent page while keeping the DOMs and script
security contexts separate?
http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-box/#intrinsic0 (and also CSS2 10.6)
Since CSS doesn't attempt to specify the intrinsic width of a document in an
iframe, maybe HTML5 should specify that the intrinsic width of a document
- if the CSS width property is specified on the html element, the margin-box
of the page at that width (which may have overflow)
- else, if the CSS min-width property is specified on the html element, the
margin-box of the page at that width (which may have overflow)
- else, the smallest width the page can have without horizontal scrolling
- if the CSS height or min-height property are set, similar to above,
- else, the smallest height the page can have at the intrinsic width of the
document without vertical scrolling
That seems overly complicated, but the spec says something similar inSince CSS doesn't attempt to specify the intrinsic width of a document in an
iframe, maybe HTML5 should specify that the intrinsic width of a document
- if the CSS width property is specified on the html element, the margin-box
of the page at that width (which may have overflow)
- else, if the CSS min-width property is specified on the html element, the
margin-box of the page at that width (which may have overflow)
- else, the smallest width the page can have without horizontal scrolling
- if the CSS height or min-height property are set, similar to above,
- else, the smallest height the page can have at the intrinsic width of the
document without vertical scrolling
fewer words.
I see you have done some work to prevent reflow loops with percentage
root heights > 100%, but how does your patch handle an iframe document
that looks like this? (I can think of nastier testcases also, where
"bottom" is embedded further down in the document)
<div style="position:absolute;bottom:-5px;">This will force a scrollbar on the
As far as I can tell, the spec handles this fine.root heights > 100%, but how does your patch handle an iframe document
that looks like this? (I can think of nastier testcases also, where
"bottom" is embedded further down in the document)
<div style="position:absolute;bottom:-5px;">This will force a scrollbar on the
What about encoding the content of each comment iframe in a "data:" URI?
That unfortunately isn't compatible with IE, and has rather unfortunatenon-trivial escaping requirements.
The contents of an iframe with a data: URI source should be trusted,
unlike an iframe with an http: URI source from another domain. A script
in an iframe with a data: URI source should, by default, be able to
communicate with the parent window. So, that alone doesn't solve the
Adding sandbox="" solves this (at least for new UAs).unlike an iframe with an http: URI source from another domain. A script
in an iframe with a data: URI source should, by default, be able to
communicate with the parent window. So, that alone doesn't solve the
Not to mention that data: URIs are ugly, wasteful (because of the BASE64
encoding), cannot be read and written by humans directly, and have
maximum length problems in some implementations.
Right.encoding), cannot be read and written by humans directly, and have
maximum length problems in some implementations.
Yes, I want the sandbox to degrade securely, as does any webmaster who
might be going to allow some user-supplied scripting while relying on
sandboxing for security. To cover its use cases, this feature must
degrade securely.
Degrade securely _and usefully_, or just securely (and maybe to nothing)?might be going to allow some user-supplied scripting while relying on
sandboxing for security. To cover its use cases, this feature must
degrade securely.
The latter is handled by the doc="" proposal. The former may be impossible
without server-side filtering.
This does degrade securely, doesn't require separate HTTP requests, and
maintains human readability.
This still requires server-side filtering, though.maintains human readability.
People are already struggling to remove all scripts from HTML snippets.
I don't think finding all these occurrence and replacing them is going
to be much better. Also, you'd need safe-style="" and <safe-style> too,
since IE can embed javascript expressions into style rules. (And now
lets hope IE does not allow expression elsewhere.)
Indeed.I don't think finding all these occurrence and replacing them is going
to be much better. Also, you'd need safe-style="" and <safe-style> too,
since IE can embed javascript expressions into style rules. (And now
lets hope IE does not allow expression elsewhere.)
This principle could be transposed to <sandbox>, where it could be
defined as taking the unsafe HTML content from an attribute. And the
best part: you don't need anything else like the safe-* substitutions as
<sandbox type="text/html" content="
Alternative, possibly degraded but safe content for older browsers.
I think we'd want to use <iframe> for this, but otherwise, yes.defined as taking the unsafe HTML content from an attribute. And the
best part: you don't need anything else like the safe-* substitutions as
<sandbox type="text/html" content="
Alternative, possibly degraded but safe content for older browsers.
Would you really want separate security contexts for each comment?
I wouldn't want to allow people screw up others' comments, making it
look that other users wrote what they didn't write. So, yes, it's
important that any code within a comment cannot change anything but
itself. This also means that the comment should be unable to change the
header/footer around it to pretend that someone else wrote it.
Documents per comment are expensive, but they do seem to be what we needI wouldn't want to allow people screw up others' comments, making it
look that other users wrote what they didn't write. So, yes, it's
important that any code within a comment cannot change anything but
itself. This also means that the comment should be unable to change the
header/footer around it to pretend that someone else wrote it.
(or maybe want) here.
The OP probably meant that maintaining so many contexts would cause a
comparable deterioration in performance. All user comments should be
put in one security context.
With all comments grouped together in such a manner, you could even use
an inline frame.
While simple, this wouldn't let you do things like have trusted contentcomparable deterioration in performance. All user comments should be
put in one security context.
With all comments grouped together in such a manner, you could even use
an inline frame.
interleaved with comments (e.g. "edit" and "reply" links), which is
I really think comments are a bad use case. Why would someone allow
scripts in comments in any context, much less a sandboxed one?
You wouldn't, but you would want to prevent scripts from runningscripts in comments in any context, much less a sandboxed one?
The best use case I have thought of so far is MySpace et. al., a site
where users have their own page with limited permission in the context
of the overall site. MySpace solves this by not allowing scripts at
all, as most such web sites do. If possible, such sites might allow a
user to insert widget scripts with limited permissions. For this use
case, iframe isn't ideal, either, but limited scripting and styling are
Would the spec's current proposals work?where users have their own page with limited permission in the context
of the overall site. MySpace solves this by not allowing scripts at
all, as most such web sites do. If possible, such sites might allow a
user to insert widget scripts with limited permissions. For this use
case, iframe isn't ideal, either, but limited scripting and styling are
This probably depends on the use cases in question. For some use
cases, the status quo is in fact the script running with full
privileges, so while not being ideal, it is indeed acceptable; in
other cases, you wouldn't want scripts to run at all if they weren't
limited in some way.
A security feature, by definition, protects the users from a certaincases, the status quo is in fact the script running with full
privileges, so while not being ideal, it is indeed acceptable; in
other cases, you wouldn't want scripts to run at all if they weren't
limited in some way.
class of attacks. An attack needs to be only successful in one browser
to do harm. For example, a malicious advertising script which actually
steals passwords entered by users on the host page is dangerous enough
even if the attacker only succeeds in stealing passwords of just a
fraction of the users.
I can't really imagine a scenario in which sandbox restrictions could be
somehow considered optional. Wherever there is need for such
restrictions, it's unacceptable to run the script without them
all cases where user-generated content is embedded today.
1. Doesn't require loading of a separate document via a separate HTTP
request, and without the ugliness of data: URIs. If there was some
"inline" version of <iframe>, such as <iframe>content</iframe>, that
would be just fine.
doc="" would handle this, then...request, and without the ugliness of data: URIs. If there was some
"inline" version of <iframe>, such as <iframe>content</iframe>, that
would be just fine.
2. Implements the security barrier even though the inner content doesn't
come from a different domain. <iframe> would require a separate domain
for that.
sandbox="" does this now.come from a different domain. <iframe> would require a separate domain
for that.
3. The security barrier is asymmetric, i.e. the outer scripts have
access to the inner content, but not the other way round.
What's the use case for this?access to the inner content, but not the other way round.
All attempts to treat user-submitted HTML as a string are doomed to
having such vulnerabilities. <sandbox> alone doesn't add much to this
problem. Just look at how complex is the HTML sanitizer in LiveJournal
which allows some user-submitted markup but not all.
That's one advantage of the doc="" idea; it makes sanitising mostlyhaving such vulnerabilities. <sandbox> alone doesn't add much to this
problem. Just look at how complex is the HTML sanitizer in LiveJournal
which allows some user-submitted markup but not all.
trivial compared to all other ideas for this.
<sandbox secret="09f9...">Hello World</sandbox secret="09F9...">
In other words, make them match. So any inserted </sandbox> tags
wouldn't close the sandbox unless they knew the secret - which they
couldn't do, because they have the chicken-and-egg problem of having to
be able to read the page first.
This relies on the author being able to reliably produce unpredictableIn other words, make them match. So any inserted </sandbox> tags
wouldn't close the sandbox unless they knew the secret - which they
couldn't do, because they have the chicken-and-egg problem of having to
be able to read the page first.
content, which is a very dubious responsibility to put on many authors.
Also, it would make the XML guys have a fit. Then again, maybe that goes
in the "pro" column and not the "con" column...
http://www.gerv.net/security/content-restrictions/ , specifically the
"hierarchy" restriction, allows the <iframe> content to be isolated from
the parent.
It's not enirely clear what the proposal here is; as far as I can tell"hierarchy" restriction, allows the <iframe> content to be isolated from
the parent.
it's an HTTP header. Is that right? Self-describing the security
restrictions on content works for same-site serving, but not really for
third-party content.
IE has the proprietary "security" attribute on <iframe> which restricts
I tried using this, but it was tied too closely to IE's own securityhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms534622.aspx
concepts to really make use of it, sadly.
Documents don't have intrinsic dimensions, and the user's default font
size is likely to vary from user to usr. How would you know what
height and width to give?
You give it the dimensions of an industry-standard ad banner size.size is likely to vary from user to usr. How would you know what
height and width to give?
The same way you would know what height and width to give to a
non-replaced element. Why should an embedded document not be able to
render as if the contents of the document were present inline in the
parent document? Backwards compatibility should probably trump better
behavior here, but why is it not possible to specify this through CSS?
I've heard of this problem multiple times. For example,
Ian Hickson U+1047E )\._.,--....,'``. fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/ U+263A /, _.. \ _\ ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer. `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'
Ian Hickson U+1047E )\._.,--....,'``. fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/ U+263A /, _.. \ _\ ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer. `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'